
An accurate tool is equipment that can determine physical or non-physical changes in a specific process. The instrument then changes these changes so that they can be understood by the user. Information obtained from instrumentation can be presented in two ways: displaying and recording information. The information display only shows the status of the variables. In the data recording method, the data is stored and allows the user to view the current status of the variable and its changes in the past.

Instrumentation equipment generally has three main parts:

Sensor: A tool that detects changes in the process.

Amplifier and adapter: Changes detected by the sensor can be very minor, therefore, this information must be reinforced and modified so that it can be displayed.

Display: The information obtained should be well visible to the user. This can be done through a calibrated measuring tool or an electronic tool.

Usually the information obtained by the instrument must be sent to the control center or control room. This control center or control room is often located away from the instrumentation site.